Press Release: Saabso- Technologies Wins Best Bitrix24 Partner Award 2023 for VerAcal SoluAons  

Press Release: Saabso- Technologies Wins Best Bitrix24 Partner Award 2023 for VerAcal SoluAons  

Dubai, UAE – August 30, 2024 Saabso( Technologies, the esteemed Gold Bitrix24 Partner located in  Dubai, UAE, has been awarded the presCgious “Best Bitrix24 Partner 2023 for VerCcal SoluCons” for its  groundbreaking contribuCons to the real estate sector. This accolade solidifies Saabso(’s posiCon as a  leader in delivering specialized, industry-focused soluCons across the UAE and the broader Middle East. The award recognizes Saabso(‘s innovaCve approach in addressing the unique challenges faced by the  rapidly growing real estate market in the UAE. In collaboraCon with Bitrix24, Saabso( idenCfied a  significant gap in the CRM plaWorm’s capabiliCes regarding real estate management. Leveraging its deep  market insights and technological experCse, Saabso( developed a specialized module designed to enhance  Bitrix24’s funcConality, specifically catering to the dynamic needs of real estate companies in the region. 

Project Genesis: RevoluAonizing Real Estate Management with Bitrix24 

The journey to this award-winning soluCon began with a comprehensive market research iniCaCve led by  Saabso(. The research revealed that while Bitrix24 provided robust general CRM funcConaliCes, it lacked  specialized tools criCcal for the real estate sector—such as advanced property lisCng capabiliCes,  integraCon with local real estate databases, and tailored property management tools. Saabso( saw this as  a unique opportunity to fill the void and align with Bitrix24’s growth strategy in the UAE. The Real Estate Property LisCng project was born out of this vision. Saabso(’s team meCculously analyzed  the operaConal challenges of real estate companies in the UAE, focusing on their specific client  management needs, property lisCng processes, and the market trends driving the industry. This research  laid the foundaCon for the creaCon of a bespoke module that seamlessly integrates with Bitrix24, providing  real estate businesses with the tools they need to thrive in a compeCCve market. 

Saabso-’s Commitment to InnovaAon 

Winning the “Best Bitrix24 Partner 2023 for VerCcal SoluCons” award is a testament to Saabso(’s  commitment to innovaCon and excellence. The company conCnues to set new standards in the industry,  offering tailored soluCons that not only enhance Bitrix24’s capabiliCes but also empower real estate  companies to achieve greater efficiency and success. 

Saabso(’s CEO expressed pride in the team’s achievement, staCng, “This award is a recogniCon of our  dedicaCon to understanding the unique needs of the UAE’s real estate market and delivering soluCons that  drive tangible results for our clients. We are honored to be acknowledged as the top Bitrix24 partner for  verCcal soluCons and remain commi_ed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible with technology.”

As Saabso( Technologies conCnues to expand its footprint in the Middle East, the company remains  focused on developing innovaCve soluCons that address the specific needs of various industries, ensuring  that businesses across the region can leverage the full potenCal of Bitrix24. 

For more informaCon about Saabso( Technologies and their award-winning soluCons, please  visit www.saabso(.com


Saabso( Technologies 

Phone: +971 4 3839665 

Email: sales@saabso(.com 

Website: www.saabso(.com